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Etterbeek rue de tervaete 82 - 1040


Het spijt ons, maar wij hebben geen Nederlandstalige vertaling gekregen Situated on the 5th floor with elevator it is as follows:lounge +-38m²,kitchen 6m² Bryunzeel) fully equiped with electric cooker, dishwasher, oven combi microwave, fridge with freezer + small adjoining terrace with cupboard, Room 1 is +-17m ² with space large wardrobe, bedroom 2 +-10m², bathroom, separate toilet. It has been deeply refurbished in 2003 electricity, plumbing, kitchen, bathroom, etc). Nov. 2012 refresh of the living room and entrance soil & paintings) + paint in the kitchen. May 2013: refresh bedroom 2 soils & paints), January 2014: paint in bedroom 1+bathroom. The building itself: the lift meets the new standards and a new condensation heating placed in 2010, all allophones will be replaced this summer. Meer info...Situated 200m from metro / tram Pétillon 15 minutes door to door to the EC/Schuman area, close to shops GB, Delhaize walking distance) and other facilities kindergarden, schools, etc..). [Sluiten]

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Soort huis:Appartement Gebouwd in: 1954
Aantalgevels: 2 Gevelbreedte:
Woonoppervlakte:90 Perceeloppervlakte:
WC: 1 Aantal badkamers:
Garage: Zolder:
Terras: Aantalwoonlagen:
Tuin: Locatietuin:

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